Wednesday, November 5, 2014

12 - 6 video reviews

Video 1
Classroom of Tomorrow
          This video depicts the many ways that technology could be used in the classroom in the near future. It shows several wonderful innovations, but it still seems a little far fetched. Schools rarely use technology as soon as it is available. Cell phones have been around for over twenty years, but many schools still will not allow them to be used during class. I do not think that schools will have smart-windows any time soon.

Video 2
The Voice of the Active Learner
          This video explains from a child's point of view how far technology has permeated the learning experiences of today's youth. Young people are accustomed to instant information from anywhere on the globe. They want interactive knowledge. Taking classes online is already a large part of university level academia, but soon it will be part of secondary and maybe even primary education systems. I think those suggestions are plausible, but I think that face to face interaction is one of the most important aspects of traditional schooling. If you remove that, we will have a society in which nobody is able to have normal, offline interactions.

Video 3
The Future Starts Now
          This video is narrated by a Norwegian student who wants to put more ICT (Information Communication Technology) in schools. She claims that people are more comfortable with ICT and that its interactive nature leads to more in depth learning with less effort. I do not know how accurate she may or may not be about the Norwegian oil situation, but I do know that she gives very good examples of how ICT could lead to better understanding of complex concepts. She states that the technology is already available; they just need to know how to use it best. In the US, however, the technology most certainly is NOT already there in most places. I do not know how the US could fund adding so much technology into our schools.

Video 4
Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning
          This video is narrated by a school architect who has designed a few really spectacular schools. He stated a few simple notes that he uses to inspire his designs. Security is important to the learning environment. Schools should feel nurturing, especially in dangerous neighborhoods. It is also important for a learning environment to be "stimulus rich." Open space is more comfortable for students. He also feels that the learning environment should feel like real life. I agree with all of his points, but I am not sure how practical his designs would be on a large scale. I believe he said that the school he built for had 500 students. In my high school, there were 500 students per grade! An open floor plan like his would not work very well for a school that large.

Video 5
Tools and Resources for the 21st Century Education
          This video features and categorizes many electronic tools (websites, apps, etc.) that teachers can use in the classroom. I am familiar with about half of these tools. I have used them myself for academic purposes. I cannot attest to the usability of the other ones.

Video 6
A Vision of 21st Century Teaching
          This video uses the juxtaposition of a robot voice/techno music and teachers holding simple cardboard signs to tell how teachers can use technology to teach particular concepts in schools.
I thought the robot voice was a little creepy, and the sign flipping was a little cheesy. Other than that, I thought the video made some very good points. Students can interact with each other online on topics like literature and science projects. Teachers can help students stay interested and informed by utilizing technology.

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