Saturday, November 22, 2014

15 - Web Tools Assignment


Track #456682: Classroom Free Time
Annotated by: Kathleen Godwin
1.National Geographic
This website has plenty of resources for learning about animals. You can read articles and see pictures about different species by clicking the pictures at the bottom of the page. You may also play games or quizzes.
2.Learning Games
This website has a ton of awesome games that you students will enjoy playing. These games will helpreinforce the skills and content we learn in class. On the left column, you will see the list of game categories. Each category is divided into grade levels and then subtopics. Please stick to second grade games.
3.PBS Kids
Games on this website include characters you may know from tv. Some of these games may involve math or spelling. The point of these games is to increase your computer skills. The games change periodically, so I cannot guarantee that the game you played last time will still be here.
4.Academic Skill Builders
This website is full of games. You may play any game in the second grade category. If you would like to play a game for third grade, ask me for special permission.
5.Math Games 4 Kids
These are all math games I think you will like. I suggest playing the games that involve the skill we are learning in class. If you would like to try something more advanced, please ask me to help you choose a game.


    Making A Poster : IT 365

    Teacher Name: Ms. Godwin

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Use of Class Time
Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others.
Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others.
Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others.
Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others.
Required Elements
The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information.
All required elements are included on the poster.
All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster.
Several required elements were missing.
The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.
The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.
The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
Worked well with others
Worked exceptionally well with the other members of the group.
Worked well with the other members of the group.
Worked acceptably well with other members of the group.
Did not work well with the other members of the group.
Followed classroom procedures
Followed all the classroom procedures.
Followed most of the classroom procedures.
Followed some of the classroom procedures.
Followed no classroom procedures.

Big Bus Testmaker

  1. What color are clownfish? 
  2. What do clownfish use to swim? 
  3. What are clownfish covered in? 
  4. What do clownfish use to breathe? 
  5. Clownfish live in the ocean around which continent? 
  6. What kind of home do clownfish live in? 
  7. Clownfish can change their 
  8. How many eggs do clownfish lay at a time? 
  9. How could you describe clownfish eggs? 
10. Do all clownfish look the same? 

Created using Testmaker fromThe Big Bus -

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

14 - Tech Friendly Classroom Management Strategies

As a teacher today, one of your responsibilities is to teach your students that technology can be used educationally, not just for recreation. Not only do you have to convince them that educational activities are fun, but then you have to keep them under control. Before each activity, you must plan the lesson, prepare the workstations (or computers, or tablets, etc), and plan what to do if something goes wrong. Telling students their learning objectives before the lesson begins will help them to focus on the important aspects of the activity, not just the "fun" part. Do not spend too much time on the computers though, or students with other learning styles will become bored or restless. You may also want to allow your students free time to "explore" on the computers.

I think that most of these classroom suggestions are good strategies to consider using in the classroom. It definitely depends on the ages of the children though. You would need to be very careful allowing younger children to "explore" the internet. I do not think that it is difficult anymore to convince children that technological educational activities are fun. I think most kids would be eager to get up from their desks to have computer time, no matter what activity is involved. In order for any of these strategies to work, you must first set up a very specific set of computer rules and procedures for your students to follow.  I think that telling students about the objectives could be beneficial in all subjects or learning activities. Overall, these strategies sound like good ideas. Some people may say that teachers do not have time to plan activities using technology, but if you focus the technology lesson on a subject you would otherwise be teaching anyway, it shouldn't take much extra time. You would already be spending time planning that lesson, why not incorporate technology?

Monday, November 10, 2014

13 - why kids cant sit still

In the article at , the author explains that one possible reason for increasing ADHD diagnoses is the increase in sedentary time at school. These children are not getting to move nearly as much as they need. Constantly sitting in class is taking a toll on children's bodily development. Due to lack of play, children are developing poor strength and balance.

This is a huge problem in schools today. Teachers are put in a hard spot; with increasing academic demands, teachers feel the need to keep students in their desks more throughout the day. In addition, parents increasing fear for their children's safety has minimized their playground options. I have noticed that playgrounds now look more like gyms than parks. I believe there are several things that teachers can do in the classroom to combat this issue. At an Early Childhood Education conference I attended this year, I learned about a resource called Move to Learn ( which provides curriculum themed dance videos for students to do in the classrooms. Many schools have implemented these videos as a daily activity for kids. Another thing we as teachers can do is interactive readings. When reading a book to the class, show them motions to repeat during the reading. If the character reaches, they reach. If the character stomps, they stomp. Large scale manipulatives can offer some movement during math lessons. Overall, there are more than enough small adjustments that we can make to create a better learning environment that involves movement for our students.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

12 - 6 video reviews

Video 1
Classroom of Tomorrow
          This video depicts the many ways that technology could be used in the classroom in the near future. It shows several wonderful innovations, but it still seems a little far fetched. Schools rarely use technology as soon as it is available. Cell phones have been around for over twenty years, but many schools still will not allow them to be used during class. I do not think that schools will have smart-windows any time soon.

Video 2
The Voice of the Active Learner
          This video explains from a child's point of view how far technology has permeated the learning experiences of today's youth. Young people are accustomed to instant information from anywhere on the globe. They want interactive knowledge. Taking classes online is already a large part of university level academia, but soon it will be part of secondary and maybe even primary education systems. I think those suggestions are plausible, but I think that face to face interaction is one of the most important aspects of traditional schooling. If you remove that, we will have a society in which nobody is able to have normal, offline interactions.

Video 3
The Future Starts Now
          This video is narrated by a Norwegian student who wants to put more ICT (Information Communication Technology) in schools. She claims that people are more comfortable with ICT and that its interactive nature leads to more in depth learning with less effort. I do not know how accurate she may or may not be about the Norwegian oil situation, but I do know that she gives very good examples of how ICT could lead to better understanding of complex concepts. She states that the technology is already available; they just need to know how to use it best. In the US, however, the technology most certainly is NOT already there in most places. I do not know how the US could fund adding so much technology into our schools.

Video 4
Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning
          This video is narrated by a school architect who has designed a few really spectacular schools. He stated a few simple notes that he uses to inspire his designs. Security is important to the learning environment. Schools should feel nurturing, especially in dangerous neighborhoods. It is also important for a learning environment to be "stimulus rich." Open space is more comfortable for students. He also feels that the learning environment should feel like real life. I agree with all of his points, but I am not sure how practical his designs would be on a large scale. I believe he said that the school he built for had 500 students. In my high school, there were 500 students per grade! An open floor plan like his would not work very well for a school that large.

Video 5
Tools and Resources for the 21st Century Education
          This video features and categorizes many electronic tools (websites, apps, etc.) that teachers can use in the classroom. I am familiar with about half of these tools. I have used them myself for academic purposes. I cannot attest to the usability of the other ones.

Video 6
A Vision of 21st Century Teaching
          This video uses the juxtaposition of a robot voice/techno music and teachers holding simple cardboard signs to tell how teachers can use technology to teach particular concepts in schools.
I thought the robot voice was a little creepy, and the sign flipping was a little cheesy. Other than that, I thought the video made some very good points. Students can interact with each other online on topics like literature and science projects. Teachers can help students stay interested and informed by utilizing technology.