Wednesday, September 24, 2014

6 - Podcast Review

Listening to a podcast was much more enjoyable than reading an article. Especially in professional development literature, articles can be dry or uninteresting to read. Rather than zoning out or just skimming over the words with my eyes, the podcast gave me something to hold my attention. Additionally, If I'm interested in a topic, I read slowly in order to absorb maximum amounts of information. The podcast plays at the same speed no matter what mood I'm in.  I did not wonder if I had time to sit down and listen to the podcast because it is a specified length. Besides, I could do other things while listening to it. The podcast was a very convenient way to get information.

Education for Innovation - Technological Design
The first podcast I listened to was about problem solving techniques using technology education classes. Teachers should be able to show  kids how to solve problems with technology. Technology and engineering are big parts of our culture now and need to be deliberately taught in our schools. They shouldn't be integrated, but taught as their own lessons. They gave an example lesson that used the "3 Little Pigs" story to teach students they had to make something that must stand up to a real test. The kids build little houses out of provided materials. The houses needed to remain standing after being blown by a hair dryer. I thought this was a very interesting idea that I had never thought of before. It really makes sense to teach our children technology and engineering lessons in school, although I do not know where we would find the time.

PBS News Hour - Could Students Benefit From Year-Round School?
The second podcast I listened to was about the benefits of a year round school schedule. The school that the podcast focused on had four 9 week quarters with 3 weeks of vacation between each. One parent said that children were never tired of school because they always had just had a long break. Teachers from that school say that the schedule provides more stability, consistency, and less reteaching. Snow days can be made up before standardized testing. For struggling students, an optional extra week of school during the break is a good time for extra help. Parents also said that childcare is weird to find 3 weeks at a time, 4 times a year. Although nearly everyone involved seems to enjoy it more, there is no evidence that year round school has improved student performance. Children with disabilities, from families with low incomes, or who speak English as a second language do a little better in year round school. Sports events are difficult to schedule between schools if school calendars are different. School staff also have a harder time keeping a second job. There are definitely pros and cons to year round school, but it seems like an idea that should be put into action in more areas.

1 comment:

  1. Very creative way to group your ideas on the concept map, I enjoyed looking at it. This is a great topic as well, because students really do need to know this information. This is something I have never considered teaching to my students, so I am glad I got a new topic that would be beneficial to teach.
