Monday, September 22, 2014

4 - Reaction to "Tech Taking Over Schools" Article

The article "With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise" by Natasha Singer is an overview of the legal measures currently being taken to protect students' information. Since technology has become more and more common in schools, people are concerned that the students' information can be sold by educational technology companies to third parties who may use the info in undesirable ways. For example, students in some schools pay for lunch with a bio-metric palm scan or are surveyed about their religion. It is not ok for this information or their school records regarding academics, discipline, medication, or personal hardships to be available for someone to buy or sell for non-research purposes. Many states have laws in place protecting some student information. California is currently trying to pass a bill to extremely limit the use of student information. It will be the most extensive law of its kind so far.

This law was very eye-opening. I had no idea that students' information was so vulnerable to being shared. It makes me very upset thinking about the ways these students could potentially be targeted later in life. Technology is a huge part of teaching nowadays, but I think that it must be handled in a way that makes student safety the highest priority. Using bio-metrics in schools sounds really unsafe anyway. I do not think I would be comfortable knowing that my children's palm scan was in a database. I like that the article included information from the National Conference of State Legislatures to back up the stance on the issue.

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