Monday, October 6, 2014

9 - Cyberbullying

The article Kids Confront Next Generation of Bullies (see link below) by Michael D Clark of the Cincinnati Inquirer is a fascinating read. I highly suggest it. It talks about the problem of bullying that kids of all ages face in schools today. Jim Bisenius is a speaker on the topic who goes to elementary schools and tells kids how to identify bullying and how to respond to it. At these programs, he uses other adults to role play bullying situations and demonstrate for the kids how they should be handled. He also does programs for school staff and parents so that as many people as possible are aware of what is going on and how to help. Children have social media now, and use it as a weapon against each other. In the words of Josh White, "There's always been bullying, but it's different now. There is a whole new level of violence." Bisenius makes sure that his audience knows ways to alleviate and minimize bullying, but gives them no false hope that bullying will ever be eliminated.

As a teacher, it is crucial to stay informed and up-to-date with current technology. A teacher needs to understand what is going on in the world of her students. Social media is widespread. It allows friends to stay in touch, but it also allows middle school kids to call each other nasty names in a place that seems far away from school rules. Social media allows individuals to rapidly spread foul rumors about their classmates while staying "anonymous"  and thereby "out of trouble." We must be vigilant about teaching students from the earliest age what constitutes bullying and that bullying will not be accepted or overlooked under any circumstances. Enforcing discipline for bullying at every age would greatly diminish it. We must also create a friendly environment in which students are not afraid to report bullying.

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